Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Wire Tip

Once a painting is finished it needs to be strung up with wire, right?  OK-- so why would I blog about something so trivial? Well it turns out that wire on the back side of a painting is more interesting than one might think!  Working with mounting wire had become a pain in the butt as I was constantly jabbing my finger tips.  When wire is handled, it frays, and allows tiny individual strands of metal to poke through my skin to the bone.  The sharp jabbing led me to find a very simple but effective remedy: Teflon tape!

Yep, plain old Teflon tape.  The kind anyone can buy at a hardware store for only $0.99 a roll. So this is how it works:  Take a 1 1/2" piece from the roll and apply it to the wire where it finishes twisting back on itself.  Wrap the Teflon tape as tightly as possible for maximum staying power. Once this is complete, the painting can be handled by anyone without any finger damage.  From now on my paintings are not complete until its wire is wrapped in Teflon.

Thank you for reading!
-Jason Towne

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